maurizio pisati

You are currently browsing the archive for the maurizio pisati category.


 Previews of writings, interviews, speeches, since 1990 to nowadays. 
Texts mostly in italian and
available in their full-lenght pdf version: contact mp at 

 Anteprime e abstract di scritti, interviste, seminari dal 1990. 
La maggior parte dei testi è in italiano.
I testi sono disponibili integralmente e in formato pdf scrivendo a 


2023 – 2020  








2019  – 2010







2009  – 2000










1999 – 1990














BOcurrently teaching at
Conservatorio G. B. Martini, Bologna (I)
since 2004

I N V E N T I O N   &   I N T E R P R E T A T I O N 

in 2010 I established the course
Invention&Interpretation – Operational Analysis
Some titles of done works:
– L. Sclavis-F. Biancoli: Le long du temps
– A. Schönberg-F. Gennai: Schön(berg) Mond Blues, Voice, Ensemble
– D. Binney-E.Simon-Enrico Landi: Simplicity, Guitar
– E. Satie-F. Pierantoni: Gnossienne, Trbn, Guitar, Cello, Pf
– N. Paganini-N. Todesco: Ghiribizzi, Guitar
– I. Giuliani: Voices, five Voices & Beatboxing
– G. Gershwin-F. Nasone: FoggyDay, Voice, Electr.
– J. Kosma-G. Pedretti: SpringLeaves, El.Bass
– C. Corea-E. Pelliconi: Enrico’s Habanera, Pf
– J. S. Bach-Enrico Landi: Invenzione IV, Guitar
– R. Towner-E. Mini: Deep, Voice, Pf
– J. S. Bach-A. Oliva: Allemanda, Flute, Perc.
– L. Morrey-E. Ronzani: Simmetrie, Pf
– M. Stern-G. Sandrini: AfterYou, ElGuit. 
– K. Dohram-M. Scucchia: BlueBossa, Pf
– M. Marmo: 
Egitto and Cadenza, Violin and Orch.
– G.F. Haendel-P. Marchini: 
L’Orlando ubriaco, Voice, Cello
– B. Marino: Angelarè, Voice, El.Guit, Accord., Violin, Cello
– M. Davis-F. Girotti: SketchesCadenza, Trpt, Pf
– D. Grohl-E. Balelli: Wheels, Voice, Fl., Vn, TSax, Pf
– R. Schumann-M.C. Cassanelli: Brano, Voices, Violin, Guit, TSax, Pf
– Biancoli-Gennai-Marangon: Alexandros Dream, Voices and Trbn.
– S. Grande: Sonar, Conduction, Ensemble
– C- Monteverdi-E. Bonazzi: Regina, Voice & Electr
– F. Martin-M. Craca: Reazioni, Flute and Pf


R E S E A R C H  –  C S R  centro studi e ricerche 

CSR_logoIn 2014 I was appointed to found a Music Research structure at Bologna’s Conservatory: CSR-CentroStudi e Ricerche.
 The activity started on 2015 hosting the meeting ONNIVERSO, with RAMI, italian association for artistic and musical research.
 Then we realized “CAMINAR“, dedicated to the music and the life of Luigi Nono, with guests as Enzo Porta, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Maddalena Novati and Gianni Di Capua. The concerts were part of “Resistenza Illuminata”, a wide series of concerts organized by the municipality of Bologna and its Teatro Comunale as an hommage to Luigi Nono.
 Meanwhile a proper space has been dedicated to CSR at the Conservatorio G. B. Martini, Bologna. The space has been equipped with some basic furnitures and electronic devices as mixer, nearfield loudspeakers, audio interface, two desktop computers iMac 27″, storage devices and softwares.
In 2016 CSR collaborated with AngelicaFestival and INCROCIlab, to realize Conduction e Chimiche Acustiche, as a co-production with Conservatorio G. B. Martini and “HappyBirthdayMrReich“.
On 2017 and 2018 CSR continue the work with INCROCIlab for the project “-TN+, Incroci laboratorio TecNologico” and Centro di Ricerca Musicale San Leonardo in Bologna, working with Alvin Curran for his new  composition “A BANDA LARGA” at AngelicaFestival 2018.




I N C R O C I   L A B

INCROCI, “crossing”, is a laboratory I hold with colleague and Guitarist Walter Zanetti.
After a performance of IncrocioScarlatto, we started facing each year a new topic about instrumental practices as Improvvisation, Conduction, DomenicoScarlatti, Harpsichord music and Flamenco, ElectricGuitar and electroacustic repertoire, and the work is currently spreading and gathering around a wide range of instruments.
 2015: we went through the repertoire for any instrument and electronics, also guesting a seminar and concert by/with StudioPanAroma and BIMESP, BienalInternacional de Saõ Paulo.
 2016: INCROCIlab collaborated with CSR and AngelicaFestival, to realize Conduction e Chimiche Acustiche, as a co-production with Conservatorio G. B. Martini and “HappyBirthdayMrReich“.
 2017: starting of the second cycle 2017-2020 named
-TN+, Incroci lab TecNologico, again with AngelicA Festival performing the new Alvin Curran’s composition “A BANDA LARGA“, Bologna 2018,  and a further concert on dec.2018 at Centro di Ricerca Musicale S. Leonardo, Bologna.
Guests of INCROCI:
Silvia Rambaldi, Harpsichord
Andreina Di Girolamo, Harpsichord
Alberto Rodriguez, Flamenco Guitar
Rita Marchesini, Flamenco Dancing
Francesco Leprino, film director
DuoScarlatti, Guitars D. Sardone, N. Pignatiello
Raffaele DeLuca, musicologist
Arturo Tallini, Guitar
Rhys Chatam, Composer
Pierpaolo Scattolin, Choir director, Composer
Matteo Pennese, Composer, Trumpet, Electronics
Flo Menezes, Composer
Daniel Murrray, Guitar, Composer
Marcus Siqueira
, Composer
Giorgio Magnanensi, composer
Fred Frith, Guitar, composer
Alvin Curran, composer
Antonio Mastrogiacomo, composer








A P P L I E D   M U S I C  

Class on music applied in theatre: DI scena IN scena 
Class on Visual semiotics

AppliedMusicSanesiVerona2015Verona – “SENZA DATA” 
Every year the city of Verona celebrates the memory of Roberto 
Sanesi, poet and author of well-known translations from English poetry and literature. In 2015 the celebration will take place on May 7th, at Sala Farinati, focused on a series of audiovideo storyboards -composed by musicians in one of my classes of department of Applied Music– conceived as suggestions for potential theatrical events, based on a poetry (Senza Data) and painting by R.Sanesi. 








T E A C H E R   T R A I N I N G   d e p a r t m e n t

Basic TriennTeacherTrainingium for Teacher Training. Biennium for Musical instrument Teacher Training; the course developes the matter of musical instruments teaching, with methodological studies, instrumental, pedagogical and psychological, composition, choir and direction, history and finally a third year of intensive training required to get a teaching degree.
Next: Music-Therapy Triennium and Multimedia Triennium.
Laptip_logoLAPTIP, laboratory of Invention and music production for training teachers, a sort of creative updating for teachers already working in primary and secondary school.



T h e s i s   t U T O R I N G  

some titles:
Il Piano Sereno, by P. Scanabissi, Piano
The Art of Environing, by T. Fiore, Guitar
Serghej Prokofiev e il Violoncello, by S. Russo, Cello
Frankenstein You!, by M. Motola, Voice
BlackOut, by N. Todesco, Guitar-ElectricGuitar
Banda Larga, by A. Condina, Trumpet
La Voce del Corno, by G. Montanari, French Horn
Alice in Mongolfiera, by O. Alessia, Fl
Mike Stern, by G. Sandrini, JazzDep
Navigazione a vista, by F. Termini, Guitar
Un incessante rispecchiarsi del cosmo (da Gurdjieff a Stockhausen), by Y. Fabbri, Teach.TrainingDep.
Sound Experience, by G. Casmirro, Guitar
Geremia – una tragedia degenerata, by M. Ascari, AppliedMusicDep.
Il solo come un racconto, by Matteo Crotti, JazzDep.
Game Triggered, (Musica adattiva nei videogames) by Irene Cavazzoni Pederzini
Vorrai sentirlo, (Il ruolo della musica epica nei trailer) by Germain Torrealba


M A S T E R C L A S S E S   a n d   L E C T U R E S 

some titles:
1993, Venezia-Fondazione Levi: Comporre un’acustica 
1998, TohoGakkuen University-Tokyo: ZONE 
1998, TokyoMusicCollege: ZONE
1998, IrinoFoundation-Tokyo: Masterclass for Composers
2002, MilanoPolitecnico delle Arti: Maki Ishii, una via al Giappone, una via all’Occidente 
2002: Palermo Conservatorio: ZONE-suono cercato, scritto, ascoltato, Interpretazione o Invenzione? – Lecture and Masterclass for composers
2003, Padova University-Centro d’Arte degli Studenti: In stile, in mente – OverdubOverdoubt 
2005, Cremona-Facoltà di Musicologia: Inventare e insegnare utopie 
2006, Växjö University, Sweden: ZONE and Masterclass
2007, Melbourne University, Australia: Masterclass ZONE and SevenStudies for Guitar 
2009, Reykiavik ArtsAcademy, Iceland: JoKyoShu, isole, segni e l’illusione di controllare il tempo
2013, IrinoFoundation-Tokyo: Masterclass for Composers
2014, Würzburg, Lecture, Festival und Intensivkurs für Neue Kammermusik
2017, Parma, Masterclass, Scuola Musicale Fontevivo: TTT-Trasposizione, trascrizione, traduzione
2017, Milano, Seminary, PACTA& DesignForLife, GMDP association: Architettura dei Pensieri Musicali

ongoing projects

PACTAsoundZONE_logoMilano 2015-20… pactaSOUNDzone is a research path and a joint between ZONE and  PACTA dei TEATRI. We bring music on stage as a parallel sound-acting, and with the 2013 production of Aristophanes in Blue, where the acting itself was born from the score, the path naturally landed to PACTAsoundZONE.
 pactaSOUNDzone is on: FBook
 2015-16: two test events with sculptures, film, music.
 2017: starting of the first real series with Alejandro Jaraj&VLPsound, Maddalena Novati-NoMus, Piero Chianura-BigBox, M. Pisati e F. Michelazzi-Flash&Bip.
 2018: Andrea Marinelli-SecretShow; Trio Tuja Ravizza Masciocchi-Voltaire e il re flautista; ZanettiZanotti+FLASHetBIP-TWO+TWO; CignoliTremoladaCarlotto-IRIDESCENCE. Seminar activity hosting Collettivo21, Conservatorio di Piacenza and Centro attività di ricerca Conservatorio di Milano, to plan their presence on stage in 2019.
 2019: coming soon …

2016 FOLIA – ConcertgebouwBrugge, MAfestival.
FoliaThe FOLIA project started on 2013 with TipToeCompany, Bruxelles, focusing the subtle border between well known social foliasand other sides of craziness. Music on ancient and modern instruments, also thinking over the current tragedies of immigration and modern Narrenschiff. Partners: MAfestival-Brugge, ChampdAction-Antwerpen, TipToeCompany and ZONE. Instruments: Recorders, Guitar, El. Guitar, DoubleBass, El. Bass, Percussion, Cello, Harpsichord, Electronics, Audiovideo.


Denise2016, Helsinki – DENISE
Denise, Silver and Firefly
A new piece for solo Guitar asked by Petri Kumela, Guitarist and Professor at Metropolia University, Helsinki,
for his project “Little Creatures”.
A short story involving three very little creatures:
a Fire Fly, a SilverFish (or Sugar worm)
and Denise, a tiny and very active pygmy Hippocampus.




RelogioDaAqua_PreviewRelogioDaAqua_icon2015, Brescia – Relogio da vento
After Relogio da Aqua composed for ExNovoEnsemble at Sale Apollinee-Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the ensemble SentieriSelvaggi asked for a new “Relogio” for a wider ensemble. Premiere on dec 9th 2015 at Teatro Grande, Brescia (I)




Emu2015_Web2015, Roma – SENTI!
Last piece of a triptic on a novel by A. Strindberg. Guitar, Percussion, AudioTrack, StringOrchestra. Premiere oct 9th 2015 in Rome, EMUfest, Sala Accademica S. Cecilia. A. Tallini Guitar, G. Ruggeri Percussion, T. Battista Direction, Voice on AT Annig Raimondi, Editing and El.Guitar on AT M. Pisati. Orchestra EuropaMusica




MPisati_FeFMarch 21st 2015, Paris, Hotel de Soubise – Archive Nationales: EU premiere of FRYDERYK and Faust, kind of musical scripts for five short movies on the imaginary encounter between Chopin and Faust. Lèo Marillier Violin, Alexandre Lory Piano.




CSR_logoFebruary 6th 2015 – CSR & Onniverso
In 2014 I was appointed to develope a Music Research structure at Bologna’s Conservatory: CSR, CentroStudi e Ricerche. The department starts its official activity in 2015 hosting the meeting ONNIVERSO, collaborating with RAMI, italian association for artistic and musical research (see also “teaching” page)


ScarlattiPisati_iconSet of 7 Sonatas by D. Scarlatti “translated” for Guitar.
Still in draft manuscript, to be completed for edition.
The final work will be titled THE SCARLET BOOK,
including the Seven Sonatas, solo Guitar
as well as Incrocio Scarlatto, one Guitar and two guitarists,
and Parafrasi Scarlatta, Guitar and DoubleBass

chamber operas

CHAMBER OPERAS – Click on each picture for score preview. See audiovideo, buy
 Orders of published scores will be forwarded to the Publishing House




Soprano, English Horn, BassClarinet, TenorSax, Trombone, Guitar, Percussion, Alto, Cello, DoubleBass

©Ricordi-Universal, première by EchoEnsemble, Cond. E. Pomarico

see also ensemble page







Theatre of Dawn

BassClarinet, Recorder, Sax, Guitar, Piano, DoubleBass, Percussion, Voice and AudiovideoTrack

©Ricordi-Universal, première by ElisionEnsemble

see also ensemble page






Il Copiafavole-ZONE

Photocopy machine, Flute, 2 Voices, 2 Dancers, Guitar, ElectricGuitar, Alto, Percussion, AudiovideoTrack

©mp, première by ZONE

see and listen also CD-DVD and ensemble page









Voice, Actress, Recorders, Electric-MIDI Guitar, Percussion, AudiovideoTrack

©Ricordi-Universal, première by ZONE

see also ensemble page









Aristofane in Blue

Voice, 2 Actors, Guitar and Live Electronics, AudiovideoTracks

©mp, premiere by ZONE and PACTAsoundZONE

see also theatre page






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jquery slideshow by v7.3m

zone friends

SSQuartet PACTA TipToeCompany EnsembleNomad MZweb BigBox Matsuyama  NoMus ChampDaction Zito BenOmar Curious Pennese Ostersjo_TheSixTones Sentieri Tallini KKato Eckert Petri-Kumela AleJJweb Politano FontanaMix Metropolia E Angelica Axelsson NeuguitarsW RAMI DELUME_Caroline  Fronimo Elision InSound Cidim Ricordi ODwyer Divertimento Rojac Siqueira Lanzetti FIARIensemble Marillier Alberti Ravaglia BO TokyoCollegeOfMusic Montalbano Dillon   . . . to be continued . . .

mp catalogue


mpCatalogueBioDisc2009_Iconclick on ZONE to download the Catalogue pdf

(the catalogue will be updated asap at 2019...)

mp bio

MAURIZIO PISATI – Born 1959 in Milan, composer and performer of his own works with his group ZONE. His music has been performed throughout both western and eastern Europe, the USA, Australia and Japan, is published by Casa-Ricordi, has been awarded prizes and selected in International competitions (including Gaudeamus Amsterdam’86, Contilli Messina’83, Icons Torino’86, Petrassi Parma’89, Brecht Milano’85, Bucchi Roma’83), got a Stipendienpreis at Darmstadt Ferienkursen für Neue Musik’88, the JapanFoundation Uchida Fellowship’98, and is transmitted on worldwide radio broadcasting. He made CDs with Ricordi-Fonit Cetra, Edipan, BMG, Kairos, CavalliRecordsBamberg, VictorJapan, SiltaClassic, Almendra, LimenMusic and LArecords, his own label started in 1997.

  • Musical theatre pieces: Umbra texts by M. Cvetaeva, Milano‘88, CRT-EchoEnsemble;
    Ermengarda, Zürich‘89, StiftungBINZ39; TAXI! Ensemble, Live Electr. TeatroCivicoSassari‘95;
    STOCK ZONE-TakuHon Soli, Orch. d’Archi, LiveElectr., Regia Ferruccio Bigi, Video RAIsat Gianni Di Capua, TeatroStudio, MilanoMusica’99; Il Copiafavole Ensemble, Macchine fotocopiatrici, PiccoloTeatroRegio, Torino2001; Theatre of Dawn Ensemble and AV, JWCOCA-ElisionEnsemble, Brisbane2007; Aristofane in Blue, two Actors, Singer, Guitar, Electronics, AVTracks, Milano 2013;
    FOLIA, TiptoeCompany, Ensemble, Audiovideo, LiveElectronics, Concertgebouw Brugge 2016.
    – He collaborate with the Theatre company Pacta .deiTeatri, composing music for pieces by Artaud, Sartre, Celine, Sanesi, Eliot, Canetti, De Beauvoir, Adams, Cocteau, Pirandello, C. Churchill, Kafka.
    – On 2008 he started the FLASHetBIP duo with light artist Fulvio Michelazzi, producing sound-light installations and improvisations as Coach1_seat11, waLkingprogress, CdellaVelocità, GuerrigliaLuminosa_I.
    – Also within Pacta, he has conceived and leads since 2016 the concert serie pactaSOUNDzone.
  • Works with Video and Electronics: San Moku Sen Gan, Perc, TheaterWinterTokyo‘97; Vormittagsspuk, live music on the homonymous historical film by Hans Richter, Roma’97; ZONE-d’Amore, live music on the film L’Inhumaine by Marcel L’Herbier, Milano’98; La Stanza degli Indizi Terrestri, text by M. Cvetaeva and L. da Vinci, Video by Marcos Jorge, Teatro del Trionfo, Pesaro‘98; 3HATSconcert, ZONE at Warszawa Festival AudioArt’98; Children’sWarQuestions, on “Desastres de la guerra” by F. Goya2005; Var är du? for any instrument and AVTrack. Sax J. Pettersson Torino2008; ELETTRICO, El.Guit, Biennale Venezia 2009; ELETTRICOdrum, ElGuit, Perc, MilanoMusica2010; FireClock, Fl, BassCl, Guit, AVTrack, Strasbourg 2020.
  • Selection of works with Live Electronics: ZONE I, ElMIDIGuit, Fl, Biennale Venezia ‘95; ZONE II, Voice, Perc, MilanoMusica‘95/Agon/Teatro alla Scala; 7, Perc, Pf, ArsLudi, Los Angeles-NewYork-Rome’94; L’Autore a chi legge, on comedies by C. Goldoni, VillaLitta, Milano’96; ZONE-Franche, Castelfranco Veneto‘96, Cello, Piano, Church bells, a city-wide happening with CSC-PaduaUniversity; ShiKaShi, Recorders, Perc, Zürich‘97; CATVLLVS, Lute, Archlute, Perc. Verona Unesco-World Day for Poetry2000; SpiegelKontaktFabrik, Didjeridoo/Oboe, Audiotrack, Tuchfühlung2 in Kunsthaus LangenbergAV2000; PURPLE H, Ensemble, TheJimiHendrixReflections-Reggio Emilia2001; YukiOnna, Trumpet, AudioTrack, slides of paintings by F. Bigi, Roma-JapanFoundation2001.
  • Selection of other chamber music: SETTE STUDI, solo Guit; Darmstadt’90; Ö, TenSax&Trombone, Strasbourg‘91; HACK, Flute, Perc. Tokyo‘96; SaxStories, StockholmSaxophoneQuartet, Roma’98;
    ZONE-Alp, Fl, Guit, Tokyo‘98; Senti?, Guitar and String Orchestra, CamerataRoman, Göteborg’99;
    TEI, Koto, Piano, TokyoTheaterWinter2000; Samblana, Guit, Sax, Sw.RadioComp.P2, Stockholm2000; Tamatebako, Percussion, Nashville 2001; Sì. Cos’è?, Percussion and String Orchestra, Milano2003; OverdubOverdoubt, SonEnsemble/ZONE, Stockholm2003, Video Max Bertolai; ZONE-popTRAIN, Ensemble, commission by VictorJapan2003; ZONE-Tarkus, transcr. of EmersonLake&Palmer’s Tarkus, commission VictorJapan with the agreement of Keith Emerson; Passacaglia Mit Albert, Perc, Recorders, LiveEl, commission BiennaleBern2005; U, Ensemble, commission EnsembleFiarì, Torino2006;Questio, from Dante Alighieri, live voice of Thor Vilhjalmsson, Perc, Trpt, AudioTrack, Festival MyrkirMusikdagar, Reykjavik2006; Microbolero, commission Orchestra FilarmonicaTorino2006; GLYPHOZOO, Violin, Guit, Accord, AVTrack and live exposition of a “minizoo”, Bologna-Exitime2009; RödKonsert, Soli, Ensemble, AV, Stockholm 2010; TwoBirds, EnsembleBlumine, Bologna 2011.
  • Education&Teaching: Maurizio Pisati graduated with highest votations in Composition, Analysis, History, Counterpoint, Harmony at the Conservatorio G. Verdi, Milan under A. Guarnieri, G. Manzoni, and in the same time studying at summer courses Darmstadt and with S. Sciarrino at Specialisation Courses at the Accademia of Città di Castello. He graduated in Guitar (again at Milan) and had a fruitful performing career between 1983 and 1989 establishing and playing in LaboratorioTrio.
    He is Professor in Composition for Applied Music, Composition for visual communication, Compositional techniques, Invention&Interpretation and Elements of Composition for teachers training at Conservatorio G. B. Martini, Bologna, where also started and leads CSR-centro studi e richerche and INCROCIlab.
    Since 1994 to 1996 he has taught at Corsi di Perfezionamento in Bobbio and in 2004 at summer courses Novantiqua in Frascati. He has given lectures and masterclasses at Toho Gakkuen University-Tokyo, Tokyo Music College, Arts Academy Reykjavik, Civica Scuola di Musica-Milano, Irino Foundation-Tokyo and Universities of Vaxjö, Brisbane, Melbourne.

__________ • __________


MAURIZIO PISATI – Nato nel 1959 a Milano, compositore e performer col proprio gruppo ZONE.
È presente con propri lavori in festival d’Europa, Australia, USA, Giappone, America Latina. Sue composizioni sono state premiate in concorsi nazionali e internazionali (tra cui: Gaudeamus Amsterdam’86, Contilli Messina’83, Icons Torino’86, Petrassi Parma’89, Brecht Milano’85, Bucchi Roma’83), hanno ottenuto uno Stipendienpreis a Darmstadt Ferienkursen für Neue Musik’88 e la Japan Uchida Fellowship’98, sono pubblicate da Casa-Ricordi, trasmesse da emittenti radiofoniche di tutto il mondo, sono incise su CD Ricordi-Fonit Cetra, Edipan, BMG, Kairos, VictorJapan, CavalliRecordsBamberg, SiltaClassic, Almendra, LimenMusic e LArecords, etichetta indipendente da lui fondata nel 1997.

  • Opere di teatro musicale: Umbra testi M. Cvetaeva, Milano‘88, CRT-EchoEnsemble;
    Ermengarda, Zürich‘89, StiftungBINZ39; TAXI!, Ensemble, Live Electr. TeatroCivicoSassari‘95;
    STOCK ZONE-TakuHon, Soli, Orch. d’Archi, LiveElectr., Regia Ferruccio Bigi, Video RAIsat Gianni Di Capua, TeatroStudio, MilanoMusica’99; Il Copiafavole, Ensemble, Macchine fotocopiatrici, PiccoloTeatroRegio, Torino2001; Theatre of Dawn, Ensemble, AudioVideo, JWCOCA-ElisionEnsemble, Brisbane 2007;
    Aristofane in Blue, due Attori, Cantante, Chitarra, Elettronica, TracceAudiovideo, Milano 2013;
    FOLIA, TiptoeCompany, Ensemble, AV, LiveElectr, Concertgebouw Brugge 2016.
    – Collabora con la compagnia Pacta .deiTeatri, Milano, componendo la musica per pieces di Artaud, Sartre, Celine, Sanesi, Moravia, Eliot, Pirandello, Kafka, De Beauvoir, Adams, Cocteau, Caryl Churchill, Canetti.
    – Nel 2007 nasce FLASHetBIP, duo audioluminoso col light designer Fulvio Michelazzi, per installazioni audioluminose interattive come Coach1_seat11, waLkingprogress, CdellaVelocità, GuerrigliaLuminosa_I.
    – Sempre all’interno di Pacta .deiTeatri ha ideato e dirige dal 2016 la rassegna pactaSOUNDzone.
  • Opere con Video ed Elettronica: San Moku Sen Gan Perc, TheaterWinterTokyo’97; Vormittagsspuk per l’omonimo film storico di Hans Richter, Roma’97; ZONE-d’Amore, performance musicale sul film L’Inhumaine di M. L’Herbier, Milano’98; La Stanza degli Indizi Terrestri, testi di M. Cvetaeva e L. da Vinci, Video Marcos Jorge, Teatro del Trionfo, Pesaro‘98; 3HATSconcert, ZONE-Warszawa Festival AudioArt’98; Children’sWarQuestions, da “Desastres de la guerra” di F. Goya2005; Var är du? per qualsiasi strumento e TracciaAV. Sax Jörgen Pettersson, Torino2008; ELETTRICO ChitEl, BiennaleVenezia2009; ELETTRICOdrum, ChitEl, Perc, MilanoMusica2010; FireClock Fl, Cl.Basso, Chit, TracciaAV, Strasbourg 2020.
  • Selezione da opere con Live Electronics: 7, Perc. e Pf, Ars Ludi Los Angeles-NewYork-Roma ’94ZONE I , ChitElMIDI, Fl, BiennaleVenezia‘95; ZONE II, Voce, Perc, MilanoMusica‘95/Studio Agon/Teatro Studio-Teatro alla Scala; L’Autore a chi legge, testi da C. Goldoni, Villa Litta, Milano’96; ZONE-Franche, CastelfrancoVeneto‘96, evento su scala urbana per V.cello, Pf, Campane, con CSC-Università di Padova; ShiKaShi, Flauti dolci e Perc, Zürich‘97; SpiegelKontaktFabrik, Didjeridoo/Oboe, TracciaAudio, Kunsthaus LangenbergAV2000; CATVLLVS, Liuto, Arciliuto, Perc, Verona, Verona Unesco-World Day for Poetry2000; PURPLE H, Ensemble, TheJimyHendrixReflections-Reggio Emilia 2001; Yuki-Onna,Tromba, pitture di Ferruccio Bigi e Traccia Audio, Japan Foundation-Roma2001.
  • Selezione da altre musiche da camera: SETTE STUDI, Chit, Darmstadt’90; Ö, Sax,Trombone, Strasbourg‘91; HACK Fl, Perc, Tokyo‘96; SaxStories, StockholmSaxophoneQuartet, Roma’98; Senti? Chit. e Orch. d’Archi, CamerataRoman, Göteborg’99; TEI, Koto, Pf, TokyoTheaterWinter2000; Tamatebako, Perc, Nashville2001; Sì. Cos’è?, Perc, Orch. d’Archi, Milano2003; OverdubOverdoubt, SonEnsemble/ZONE, Stockholm2003, Video Max Bertolai; ZONEpopTRAIN, ensemble, commissione VictorJapan2003; ZONE-Tarkus, trascrizione di Tarkus di EmersonLake&Palmer in accordo con Keith Emerson, commissione VictorJapan2003; Passacaglia Mit Albert, Perc, Flauti dolci, LiveElectr, BiennaleBern2005; U, EnsembleFiarì, Torino2006; Questio, da Dante, voce dal vivo di Thor Vilhjalmsson, Perc, Tromba, TracciaAudio, Festival MyrkirMusikdagar, Reykjavik2006; Microbolero, Orch. Filarmonica di Torino2006; GLYPHOZOO, Vno, Chit, Accordeon, TracciaAV ed esposizione “minizoo”, Bologna-Exitime2009; RödKonsert, Soli, Ensemble, TracciaAV, Stockholm2010; TwoBirds, EnsembleBlumine, Bologna2011.
  • Studi e insegnamento: Maurizio Pisati ha compiuto gli studi musicali al Conservatorio di Milano, oltre che ai corsi estivi di Darmstadt e all’Accademia di Città di Castello, diplomandosi con il massimo dei voti in Composizione con S. Sciarrino, A. Guarnieri e G. Manzoni, e in seguito anche in Chitarra svolgendo attività concertistica in Europa dal 1983 al 1989 col gruppo Laboratorio Trio.
    E’ attualmente docente di Composizione per la Musica Applicata, Composizione per la Comunicazione visuale, Tecniche Compositive, Invenzione&Interpretazione ed Elementi di Composizione per la Didattica al Conservatorio G. B. Martini di Bologna, dove ha ideato e dirige CSR.centro studi e richerche e il Laboratorio INCROCIlab.
    Dal 1994 al 1996 ha insegnato ai Corsi di Perfezionamento di Bobbio nel 2004 ai corsi estivi “Novantiqua” di Frascati e dal 2009 ai Corsi estivi di Claxica-Castel d’Aiano. Ha tenuto conferenze e seminari alla Toho Gakkuen University-Tokyo, Tokyo Music College, Arts Academy Reykjavik, Civica Scuola di Musica di Milano, Irino Foundation-Tokyo e alle Università di Vaxjö, Brisbane e Melbourne.


ZONE logo

Z O N E: an idea and an ensemble in continuous evolution that revolves around my music. I play LiveElectronics or MIDIElectricGuitar whose fingerboard, as a virtual ensemble, is crossed by the inhabitants of ZONE. These artists are among todays protagonists of contemporary thought. Skattered all over the globe, they flow through the ZONE: on stage we always are more people than audience can see. mp

  • Geoffrey Morris
  • Carin Levine & Jürgen Ruck
  • Annig Raimondi
  • DuoRecordronik
  • Bernardo Lanzetti
  • Maurizio BenOmar
  • Birgit Nolte
  • Elena Callegari
  • ElisionEnsemble
  • ENDE
  • Elena Càsoli
  • Emanuele Forni
  • Erik Bosgraaf
  • Faberlucis
  • Kiyonori Sokabe
  • Ivo Nilsson & Jörgen Pettersson
  • Manuel Zurria
  • Marcello Tarabbia
  • Marco Bortoli & Walter Goy
  • Maria Ronchini & Riccardo Balbinutti
  • mp & AchilleCompagnoni, WPrati, MBortoli, UJoss
  • mp & Ricarrdo Magherini Bernardo Lanzetti
  • mp & Salvatore Zito Max Bertolai
  • StockholmSaxophoneQuartet
  • mp & Timothy O'Dwyer
  • PACTAdeiTeatri
  • mp & Vladi Leoni
  • Pili Stanislas
  • wowslider
  • Thor-Vilhjalmsson
jquery slideshow by v7.3m



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Instrumental   –   Theatre

FOLIA with TipToeCompany   –   Aristofane in Blue   –   Theatre of Dawn

CasualitàUrbane/Flash&Bip   –   LUNAGRAMMI (Vln, Guit, Pf)

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